Electric Forest is the electronic music festival that is held in an enchanting forest in Rothbury, Michigan. On-site camping is available as well as off-site accommodations. The festival spans four days in June every year and has a few distinguishing features from other outdoor music festivals. The venue boasts The Sherwood Forest, an area in the center of the grounds filled with hammocks and art installations. At nightfall, the forest turns into a neon spectacular, with illuminated trees and even a live music stage in the midst of it all. A water park, kitchen and bar, horseback riding, disc golf, lake, live painting exhibits and golf course complete the array of extra features in or around the festival.
Electric Forest hosts variety of programs to help give back to the community. It hosts a food drive as part of a partnership with the not-for-profit Conscious Alliance. They also support The Kitchen [Community] which connects kids with food by teaching them how to garden and grow food. The Electric Forest Music in Schools Program is another focus of the festival that supports music education in public schools. The festival promotes “Electricology” which essentially rewards festival patrons for practicing recycling at the venue.